P. O. Box 50121; | Long Beach, CA | 90815-6121 | U.S.A. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
MALE REGISTRATION | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear Male Member:
If you were sent here by another Member, we hope that you will join us.
The Studio H man is
unique, because he is intelligent enough to know
that a woman does NOT have to be Beautiful, Young or "Perfect"
to be
sexy... And experienced enough to know that sexy women come in all
ages, shapes, sizes, races, as well as ethnic backgrounds... Therefore,
this is
NOT for guys with immature or "unrealistic" expectations about
female beauty... And one of our goals will be a
greater appreciation for
women outside of the mainstream standard.
Therefore, if you have a wife or girlfriend like a lady appearing
on this
Website, or seek this type of woman or know of these type of women
please join and tell them about our Website! You will
be able to share
your stories and pictures as well as advertise, get advice or opinions
about alternative female beauty
and sexuality.
We estimate that 90% of men and women who visit us will become too
confused or scared away
to ever become a member... However, if you
"Get it", welcome aboard, because it will be an experience like nothing
else on the
Internet, because our approach will be like nothing else on
the Internet... So, if you're "adventurous" you will be
more enlightened
than the average person.
Almost everybody knows a woman with a "Great Body", a
"Great Ass"
or has a neighbor, female relative or girlfriend, etc., with Big Boobs or
"too much" or some "strange" or "unusual" something? If
so, simply
tell them or somebody who knows them about our Website... And how
they could make MONEY or get advice or
opinions on losing weight or
being a more sexy older woman, etc. And possibly help inspire other
ladies having similar
conditions or circumstances.
And although this is a sexually oriented Website, NO nudity or sex is
required, and if
a lady models, she can disguise or NOT show face in
the pictures... And if we hire a model to pose for us, typical pay
around $100.00 to $200.00 / Hour part-time.
You can take their pictures or they can have a friend
or relative submit
the audition pictures. And we especially seek persons speaking good
English and any other language, including
Korean, Spanish, Chinese,
Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai, Hindi, etc. Currently there's an incredible
opportunity ethnic
or "exotic" models, and photographers.
Still, if you DON'T know anyone interested in modeling, but still have
an interest in adult entertainment business, simply Register and we'll
answer your questions about getting into the business, getting
training, starting your own business, etc. And remember, you can get
PAID for signing up any friends, relatives, etc.
Simply print
and complete this Application. You can send payment in
the form of Cash, Check, or Money Order for U.S.A. residents. Or
can send currency in form of Canadian Dollar, British Pound Sterling,
Korean Wan or Japanese Yen currencies... Just
cover cash up with a
black carbon or dark paper.
Snail Mail Application back with your payment
to the above P. O. Box
address... Enter your contact information, below. Address below will
be your "Mail Forwarding" Address
as well as address where we will
send payments. If you wish to publish a "Direct Contact" address to
place in an ad, get a
P. O. Box or "Mail Drop" Address! Private home
home addresses will not be published.
Below: Copy, Paste, Print
NAME: ___________________________________ D.O.B. : _________
= "Date of Birth"
ADDRESS: __________________________________________
COUNTRY: _______________________________
form will permit you to legally communicate or purchase
adult items from female members and other parties represented on this
However, you understand that female members or anyone contacted through
this Website will NOT employees of Studio H International,
or its associated
Websites, businesses, or owners. And that it will be against the law to falsely
represent any name,
age, address or other information to us. And if possible
you will try to include Identity verification like address
label, personal check or
copy of I.D. or similar to verify name and address... By signing you hereby
declare that you are a "legal" aged adult at least age 20, and give Studio H
International, its owner(s) or
any business associates, affiliates, or a related
entity, permission to transmit, exchange or send you adult oriented
videos, products, or information... And if below the age of 20 or otherwise
falsly misrepresenting yourself, STUDIO H
INTERNATIONAL won't be held
responsible or liable for any fraudulent representations... And that you grant
us permission
to relay, send or forward mail to above address or to publish
any address, E-mail, or phone number that is
written in any advertisement.
You understand and accept fully any terms for payments... And also accept
responsibility for your coduct with the public, thus holding us harmless for
any transactions, meeting, or dealings that occur
as result of any advertsing
or dealings you make thru this Website, associated Website, members, etc.
Further, you declare
that you are not a law enforcement agent, government
official, or deputy joining for purposes of entrapment or investigation.
___________________________________ Date: ________
Payment Enclosed: ___ $15.00US... Cash ____ Check
____ M.O. _____
Credit Card Pymt: ___ $15.00US or "Telepayment" ___ Link Below...
Discount? Enter Model or "Member" Code, Only pay $10.00 _____________
NOTE: Include a
name verification: Personal Check, Address label, or Copy of I.D.
NOTE: You can credit the $10.00-$15.00 Registration toward a Advertisement ( See
"Advertise", in
Registration section ). Simply subtract your fee from your Ad Total.
Send CASH, CHECK, MONEY ORDER payable to
Studio H International. Again, you
may enclose cash in U.S. Dollars or any currencies mentioned above...
Just cover
with black carbon or similar dark paper and snail mail it to our P. O. Box Address
on or before 15th
or 28th of month. For CREDIT CARD Payments, see link below.
CODE NAME : Please make up a "Member Code"!!!
This will serve as Reference
for paying you any commissions for sending us new Members, new Models, etc.
Try 2
to 5 letters, and 2 to 5 numbers, Examples - LVN209, LA90210, PA202, etc.
you were Referred by another Member, Model, etc. please give us
their Member Code - _______________________ They'll earn $5.00
- $6.00 Credit.
NOTICE: One goal of Studio H International is to educate and help its members
make money thru
adult entertainment... Therefore, we're structuring our site so
that male members can tip or send money to female members
in exchange for
pictures, erotic items ( panties, stockings, shoes, thongs, etc. ) or "services" like
phone sex, E-mails,
or Webcams. So, if a lady asks for money or for a "gift" in
exchange for an erotic item or service, simply contact her
and work out a deal!
A typical transaction will range from $3.00 to $25.00US, or below a maximum of
$100.00US in value
for a gift... So, support the ladies.
If each member supports the other member, everbody will make money because
this is a member supported effort... Thus, if you and a lady who you know decide
to sell pictures, etc., you will want
to have people buy something. Right? So, try
not to be "cheap", because it might be you and your lady or friend posting items
sale? Plus, you can make money simply sending others to this Website with
your "Member Code"... Thus, if they join
because of any one of female members,
including your lady, you will pick up a commission... Very simple and "legal",
everybody will be legal age and registered with our Website!
STORIES?: Got a "Real Life" story about a unique, unusual, strange or exotic
woman like the ones appearing on our Website? Kinky sex that you've seen
or have done with a girlfriend, wife, etc.? Tell us about it... Including any tips
on foreign or domestic clubs, entertainers,
etc. We're also looking for videos
or "live documentation" of Freaky ladies, dancers, parties, etc. to promote on
Website. Thus, you can make money selling your underground videos or
DVDs on our Website for extra CASH! We especially seek
"ethnic" material.
FINALLY: If you're a sexual or erotic person, or if you know any sexy or erotic
women, you will find
this to be some of the most interesting work or business
that you will ever do... And if you can demonstrate the correct discipline
imagination you can develop it into a part-time business or career.
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