Erotic material trading is one of the best kept secrets going, as early issues of Playboy
can fetch hundreds or thousands of Dollars... While old porno films, video, and photos
can similarly fetch tens and hundreds of Dollars based on quality and content. Then, if
you're good at producing recent good quality material, you could also be making cash,
even if you decide to quit actively modeling for a while. Thus, a lady or a photographer
can earn money for years to come. Plus, a lady can "Flirt" or entertain over the Internet
with pictures or video for money and gifts.
WANTED: Old VHS videos, DVDs, books, and magazines! If you have any old adult VHS
or DVD video titles, you can list them here for possible sale, trading, or rentals... Plus, we
are also looking for certain titles for research and may also want to purchase something
from you. So, if you are upgrading a VHS video collection to DVD, or have an old box of
adult magazines in your garage or closet that you'd like to get rid of you could publish a
listing on our Website for potential buyers for FREE once you're a member.
Then, unlike running an ad in the local "Shop N Pick" newspaper, etc., we'll permit you
to publish uncensored description of titles in your collection... Plus, you can post up a
"Wishlist" of magazine, VHS, or DVD titles that YOU also seek!
We can offer you an "Escrow" service, where buyer can make money order out to you,
and send to us for holding. We next notify you that we are holding your payment, and
for you to ship your videos to the buyer by "Return Recept", "Delivery Confirmation",
or similar confirmation method... When buyer notifies us or mails us proof that he has
received package or you send us proof and we confirm it, we will release his payment
to you! Very simple... Or buyer and seller can deal directly with each other, by listing a
"Direct Contact" E-mail, Voice mail, etc.
Buyers can also file a "Release Code" with us or include with payment sent to us. So,
when seller ships package to buyer and seller ( person shipping package ) gives the
buyer's release code to us, which he can get only from buyer, we can then release a
buyer's money to seller upon buyer receiving his package. So, if you're selling some
magazines, videos, etc. and your return receipt for shipment is LOST, you could give
us buyer's release code ( that he will give to you ) and we'll release buyer's payment
to you, in case you lose shipping receipt. However, try NOT to lose that receipt!
Again, if buyer and seller choose to deal directly with each other, thus bypassing our
Escrow service that's your business. We just offer the Escrow as a way of protecting
your transactions.
To participate in this program, neatly type up and E-mail us your listing for us to post
on this Website... We will list your ad CODED, which means people send message to
us to forward to you. Or for just $3.00US per month we can post direct contact E-mail
or telephone information for people to contact you directly.
Remember, when you E-mail us your video or magazine listings, we will also take a
look at it and possibly purchase or TRADE some of your items! Thus, you possibly
can make money trading with us as well.
PHOTOS: Homemade erotic pictures can easily be traded for CASH! Register with
our Website and we can create an account where you could earn money with your
pictures. Ladies can earn money from direct sale of pictures to another member as
well as gifts; or from anyone joining our Website and asking for their Member code
from anywhere around the world. And with Digital cameras, pictures are quick and
easy to produce. However, film is also good for "G" rated shots like Bikini, lingerie,
sexy dress, etc. Thus, if a lady has a great body, great ass, Big tits, etc., she could
sell "G" rated shots of this as well. Plus,"G" rated shots can be developed at local
Drug stores, Walmart, etc. Your "X" or "R" rated shots can be reserved for special
members who have requested your code, etc. And even if you live in country that
prohibits sexy, nude or explicit pictures you can make money with them in United
States, Canada and Western Europe as long as person in pictures is legal age of
majority or over "18" years of age.
VIDEOS: Homemade videos can earn you HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of Dollars.
Both DVD and VHS formats... They can be "Solos", Sexy Striptease, Masturbation,
Private Parties, etc. Thirty minutes to 1 Hour, selling for $15.00, $25.00 to $30.00US.
We especially seek homemade "ethnic" videos such as Black, Latin, Asian Pacific
Rim, South Asian, Middle Eastern, etc. Plus, we offer training in video production...
Register with our Website to reserve a class ( Hollywood / Los Angeles ). There are
also many people who collect old commercial VHS and DVD titles.
MISCEL: "Miscel" stands for "Miscellaneous" or a "variety" of items categories...
Many women offer their panties for sale over the Internet for as much as $30.00
per pair! Plus, some women sell their Panty Hose and Stockings. Once you are
registered, we can evaluate your potential as a "Fetish Model"? You could also
trade sexy letters, E-mails or photos for money and gifts as well.
WISHLIST: Remember, you may also post a "Wishlist" of something that you
desire in the Trades section... Thus, if you are looking for a certain magazine,
video, book, type of pictures, etc.; or perhaps you are a lady wishing to trade
sexy pictures, E-mails, undergarments, etc., for gifts or money simply submit
your Wishlist for us to review and post for others to see.
Trading adult materials is a stimulating and fun way to earn extra money. And
one of our goals is to keep it legal between consenting ADULTS! Register and
and we can discuss how to make money hunting down, producing or trading
adult material.