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This is an "alternative" female Website, which means a woman has a
natural talent, feature or ability that sets her apart from other women.
If this describes you or some lady who you know, then Register with
our Website, because you could be making extra MONEY due your
uniqueness and the Internet's ability to reach MILLIONS online.

The "Alternative" category of woman is broad enough to allow most
women considered unacceptable in the mainstream an opportunity
to make extra money. Thus, if you have a Nice Butt, Huge Boobs or
perhaps are a sexy "Over 40", are an usually Hairy woman, etc. you
could be making extra money, since so many niche categories now
do exist.

We will "register" you as a Model, based on physical features or the
type of modeling you want to do. Then, based on the interest in you,
you will get paid at either an Hourly or a Flat rate to model for us. Or
we will purchase your pictures from you or explain how you can use
the Internet to really make some money...

We're NOT looking for "Fashion Models", and started this company
out of boredom with "perfect" looking women! So, if you are a few
pounds Overweight, Hairy, etc. we DON'T CARE... We love women
who are a bit "different" or exotic, because that is reality. And in the
"Real World" men are attracted by many things considered "gross"
or undesireable in the mainstream world!

Take a look at some of the ladies to the left or in our Gallery to see
if you fit one or more of these categories? We DON'T expect most
women to be as "extreme" as these ladies! And during the audition
ANY woman is welcomed to apply... However, if you happen to just
be a "Real" woman or posses some unusual feature or trait, please
tell us about it, because it could be worth money to you!

We also pay "finder's fees" for helping locate ladies wanting to be
models... Plus, finder's fees for helping to attract other persons to
join our Website. ( See Money Section - "Affiliates" )

Models can be married, single, student, professional, "Blue-collar",
etc. And we've had everyone from professional "Wall Street" type
women, to Church Going Christian housewives send photos to us!
So, if you think that it is only uneducated, "low class" women who
pose for erotic pictures, trust us, you would be surprised...

Some women, of course, pose for MONEY... However, many simply
get turned on by men viewing their pictures! Also, many women who
once considered themselves too "Ugly", etc. have been surprised at
how much money and attention that they have received.

For example, we know of one very attractive, shy young woman, who practically became a celebrity due to extreme hair growth. And never dreamed that she would be posing in erotic pictures! So, even if you
have something "strange" or unusual, tell us about it, because we've
seen just about everything...

However, we have NO interest in any physical abuse or disability such
as extreme obesity, deformed limbs. Or any activity that causes "pain", suffering or blood, such as "torture". However, any sexual abnormality
or strange erotic "talent" is O.K.!

Erotic modeling is some of the most easy work in the World! And one of
the most inexpensive businesses to get started... All that is needed is a camera, a healthy sexual attitude and a good imagination to be earning HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of extra Dollars. However, this is also an 'Art'. And some women will be better at it than others. However, if you're able to have fun with challenge of making money turning people on with your pictures, you should get some good results.

So, the more you enjoy it, the more money you can make, because it'll show up in pictures! Even, if you remain "anoymous" or not show your face... So, just relax and find a good photographer you're comfortable
with. And they can be a girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, etc. Plus, good
professional photographers can instruct you on proper posing, etc.

This is NOT a typical "porn" site, where you're forced to have sex with people, etc... And we'll work with each individual lady who is accepted.
Plus, no nudity is required! Also, we offer "Identity Protection" tips for
women with a "Day Job", etc... So, ask about our "Identity Protection"

Even if modeling is NOT your "Cup of Tea", you can still earn money
as a "Talent Scout" finding other ladies in your location interested in
doing it. Or ladies interested in exploring alternative beauty or being
more sexy and erotic, despite being older, having extra pounds, etc.
We will give you a more sensible and honest perspective on beauty
and sexuality that you'll find at few other Websites.
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