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One goal of Studio H International is to provide an environment where
women NOT fitting the commonly accepted standards for Beauty can
be supported as well as rewarded for being "different". Including any
couples where the lady is unique or different. Thus, we've developed
a program where participants can receive money and gifts in addition
to socializing...

So, all that we ask is that you treat each lady with respect and to not
be afraid to send some of them a few Dollars or a small gift... Or tell
them how sexy that they are, etc.,because if you and your ladyfriend
or wife decide to participate with stories, pictures, or information you
will also want to be treated generously or with respect.

Following are some standards or rules for participation:
  1. ) This isn't for racial, cultural, or religious idiots! And the term "Ugly" is only used to help stimulate a debate on what is truly ugly when it comes to sexual attraction.... And should NOT be taken as how we feel about any models or women accepted into our Website.
  2. ) The goal is NOT to "intentionally" seek out unattractive women or women who are physically handicapped or disfigured! Instead, we seek the "natural", everyday, "Girl-next-Door" type from every racial, cultural or ethnic background! The more "natural", unique, or exotic, the better. So, don't confuse our mission with something negative.
  3. ) Female gays or lesbians are welcomed! As long as they are the "NON-hostile", progressive types that know MALE energy can be positive. So, if you're a lesbian please have a positive attitude.
  4. ) Registration helps us screen or "weed out" minors and prudes! Plus, it helps to protect models and other members... And all men must be Registered to purchase items or contact models.
  5. ) Registered models will be permitted to sell pictures and other "legal" items thru this Website, as well as advertise.
  6. ) All ads asking for MONEY must be approved by us, as well as the product being offered for sale! Example: Panties, pictures, DVDs or videos. Phone sex or "Web Cam" services...
  7. ) If someone sends you MONEY for a photograph, undergarment, etc., by law you must fill the order in 30 Days! Or REFUND person's money... Taking someone's money and not honoring their order will result in dismissal from this Website.
  8. ) Men, don't be a Damned "Cheapskate"! You'll get out of life what you put into it... It WON'T kill you to "Break off" a few Bucks to send lady for a photo, Request a Member code, etc. If you treat the girls right, they'll keep coming. Plus, you could make a new friend.
  9. ) We will offer an "Escrow" service, where customer sends money to us payable to model; we notify model; she mails you order and as soon as you receive your order we send the model her payment.
  10. ) Men must treat all ladies with respect who use this Website! DO NOT assume every female advertiser is looking for sex! Unless it's hinted in advertisement, etc.? Respect all "married" advertisers.
  11. ) Women who HATE men; men who hate women or feel women are "Sluts", "Whores", etc. please go away! Both sexes are Fu**ed up with their share of assholes. So, if you have got issues with the opposite sex, work it out or go to another Website!
  12. ) Ladies: Sorry, but NO SILICONE Boob Bunnies! If you have got the Fake Silicone Boobs, don't waste our time. Women who get Boob jobs are "stupid" in our opinion... And if you are a guy who likes playing with a fake bag of silicone or saline, you are in the wrong place!
  13. ) The minimum age for women to model for our Website is 20 years of age and the MAXIMUM is the age of 70... And it is for moral and ethical reasons we have established this range. Thus, we're NOT into "Children" or women who are "senile"! Still, if of "sound mind" a woman can legally pose from age 20 to 90 years.
  14. ) We define VIOLENCE as anything "harmful" being done to persons involuntarily or "against their will"... Including anything causing pain or blood. Thus, "Bondage", "Beating", Hard "S & M", "Torture" and "Humiliation" will not be presented here.
  15. ) You will NOT see women referred to as "Whores, "Bitches", and "Sluts" on this Website! Again, if you have issues with the opposite sex, Work it Out... Calling women names only fuels their hatred for men, -- Even the good ones!
  16. ) The "minimum" preferred age for male members is age "25" up to "90", as older men are more patient and sexually mature... Also, we DON'T need immature "punks" teasing and making fun of the ladies presented on this Website! It's not some kids game or joke.
  17. ) You may legally send nude pictures into the U.S.A. as long as the persons in pictures are "legal" age or over 20... However, you must NEVER send pictures of 'minors' or children into the U.S.A. or we'll report them to the authorites.
  18. ) FILM negative or slide picture formats are O.K. with us! Plus, we will also consider video taped material. Yet, Digital will be more easy for uploading and examining your material.
  19. ) The one time minimum fee to join is $10.00US... However, you may temporarily "waive" fee and join by submitting pictures.Then we will issue you a "Member Code" that will give you 50% of any fees collected using your Code. However, we may deduct $10.00 from your first payment issued for all of your accumulated credits.