Registration is simply the process of confirming that you are of legal age and that you are who you claim to be... There are lots of Bogus or Fake people on the Internet... However, Registration helps prove your authenticity, as well as verify the authenticity of other persons whom you meet on the Internet. Thus, if you see someone on a site like Craiglist or on a Dating Website, and you direct them to our site, you can verify their authenticity and them yours. Thus, if you are a lady seeking a better way to "screen" gentlemen who contact you on the Internet, simply direct them here and when they sign up, you'll be able to further communicate with them. And this will especially be important if you're receiving HUNDREDS of responses from Craigslist, etc. Most men simply don't understand that sometimes women get overwhelmed with responses! Also, if you are a lady seeking part-time work, Registration lets us know where to contact you for work assignments or "forward" any messages to you. Plus, it will permit you to legally sell something like pictures or advertise a Website, Webcam, etc. We DON'T require any detailed or "sensitive" information such as a social security number, etc. In fact, we require less information than a typical Dating Website! Just a name, address, telephone number or E-mail and your signed consent. We also request a small fee or Deposit to further help "weed out" or screen out minors and any easily offended persons... And if you've ever had an angry mom send you a nasty letter, because her boy got ahold of your material, trust us, you will understand where we're coming from! It ain't pretty. So, be a good sport, and please comply... Our fees are low and can be made back by helping others join our Website! Model applicants can get REFUND or fee waiver depending on their photos. If you are a current model or have done any type of adult modeling, dancing, or acting, you're encouraged to register with our Website! Especially if you fit our Website's philosophy. And 'veteran' models from the 1960s, 70s, 80s, and 90s are especially encouraged. Only Registered men will legally be permitted to purchase photos and other personal items from the models! That is the law... Plus, it helps to protect the models. Therefore, we must have a signed paper consent on file. And this has long been a standard in adult. Registration gives models and personal advertisers more security. And offers us more security if sending information, fulfilling orders for photographs, videos, books, trades, etc. Registration helps models get a more "fair" rate for photos or their modeling assignments! Plus, it allows us to pay out commissions to you for helping sign up other models or photographers... Registered members will also be able to get FREE advice as well as training or other information at a discount. And only registered models can be scheduled with our professional photographer. The fee is currently only $15.00US or Canadian Dollars to register. If you live outside of the U.S.A. in Europe, Asia, or Latin America, please contact us to determine your fee. We also accept 'Pay Pal'. And we accept cash currency in Canadian Dollars, Japanese Yen, British Pounds Sterling or Korean Wan. Just cover it up with black paper or a 'carbon paper' and mail it. IMPORTANT: Models and photographers may also submit photos as "credit" to Register for FREE, for simply granting us the right to reproduce and distribute the pictures. Plus, we may build a FREE personal Website for you, where you can earn money from others joining this Website to view your pictures! And you can gain extra exposure that can lead to getting more money, work, etc. If you contact one of our models, or give us the Member Code of an existing member, we will give you a $5.00 Discount! Thus, we will permit you to join for only $10.00US. We'd especially like to register persons fluent in English and other languages such as Japanese, H.K. Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, etc. Especially anyone who can use a camera and can locate models in the U.S.A. and abroad! And like we said, even if sexual photos are illegal in your country, you could earn money selling them in U.S.A. So, if you know English and another language, register with us... Registration also helps to protect you, if you live outside of U.S.A., because it confirms that you're NOT engaged in any illegal activity! Thus, if you follow the rules you can do business in the U.S.A. |